Update uploaded package |
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Step 1. To update an already uploaded content package on the server, go to the Content Management window of the administration console and select Manage content packages option. The window that will open provides the list of content packages that have been uploaded to the content database earlier:
Step 2. Select the secure browser package you want to update from the list of content packages and click the Edit package button. A window with package details and the list of its folders will open:
Step 3. Update the content package by adding new content folders (which is done with the Add content folder button), editing content folders (by selecting the necessary one from the list and clicking the Edit content folder button) or by deleting already existing folders (by selecting them from the list and clicking Delete content folder).
More information on content packages can be found in topics Secure browser packages and Composer suite packages.
As soon as the specified download time comes, the content will become the current content for the group, and the subject terminals will download it. As soon as the specified play time comes, the content will be played back on the terminal stations. If you have selected option Play back after download in the Content Management tab of the client service configuration software, then the content will be played back immediately after it has been downloaded.